Equipo editorial



  Ph.D. Alexis Sagastume, Editor en Jefe - Universidad de la Costa, Colombia. 

Alexis Sagastume Gutiérrez, Ing. Mecánico, Magíster en Eficiencia Energética (Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba). Doctorado en Ciencias Técnicas (Universidad de Cienfuegos, Cuba). Profesor Titular de la Universidad de la Costa, Colombia. Profesor Auxiliar de la Universidad de Cienfuegos. Investigador Senior reconocido por MINCIENCIAS – Colombia. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación: Grupo de Investigación en Optimización Energética – GIOPEN, de la Universidad de la Costa, Colombia. Con más de 19 años de experiencia en el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación e innovación en ciencias térmicas y producción más limpia a nivel nacional e internacional. Adicionalmente ha publicado más de 50 artículos científicos y capítulos de libros de alto impacto, en temas de eficiencia energética, gestión energética, análisis de ciclo de vida, etc. Tiene experiencia en la dirección de tesis doctorales y en la formación de posgrado y pregrado en diferentes países. Experto evaluador de proyectos científicos en MINCIENCIAS - Colombia. Colabora como par evaluador de artículos para revistas científicas de alto impacto a nivel mundial como: Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy; Wastes and Biomass Valorization, entre otras. Conferencista en eventos científicos en el ámbito internacional. Ha sido merecedor distinciones académicas que incluyen el Premio Nacional a la investigación Científica de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba (2016) y el ACPN Award – Young Researcher de la Red Avances en la Producción más Limpia (ACPN). 

  Ph.D. Biagio Fernando Giannetti, Editor Asociado - Universidade Paulista (UNIP), Brazil.  

Prof. Biagio holds a Master’s and DSc degree from the University of São Paulo (USP). In 1992, he began his career at Paulista University (UNIP) as an Associate Professor and is now a Full Professor at the university. At UNIP, he has coordinated engineering degree courses and currently serves as a Professor in the Graduate Program in Production Engineering (Master’s, Doctorate, and Postdoctoral levels) and leads research activities at the Production and Environment Laboratory (LaProMA). Since 2005, Prof. Biagio has been registered as a ‘Research Group Leader’ in the ‘Research Groups Directory’ of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Since 2016, he has been a visiting professor at Beijing Normal University (BNU) in China’s National High-end Foreign Experts Recruitment Program. Prof. Biagio is also a visiting professor at Sonora University (UNISON, Mexico) and the University of Florence (UNIFI, Italy). He has published more than 300 academic works - including books, papers, and conferences - on production and environment. His H-Index on Scopus is 35, and his i10 index on Google Scholar is 100. Prof. Biagio is an Honorary Board Member of the Journal of Cleaner Production, an Associate Editor of the scientific journal Frontiers in Energy Research, President of the International Society for the Advancement of Emergy Research, and Global Center Director and founder of the Advances in Cleaner Production Network.

  Ph.D. Luc Hens, Editor Asociado- Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek, Bélgica .


Luc Hens graduated as a biologist and received his Ph. D. in Biology from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. Until 2010 He was a professor and Chair of the human ecology department. He currently lectures at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia, Bulgaria), at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), and at Lisbon University (Portugal).  

He was a senior scientific adviser at the “Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek” (VITO), which is Belgium’s biggest environmental research organization. He is currently retired as an emeritus professor. Professor Hens’ specific area of research concerns the elucidation of interdisciplinary instruments for sustainable development. In this framework, he acted as the promoter of over 80 research projects in Belgium and abroad (Vietnam, Cuba, South Africa, Mozambique, Ghana, Ukraine, and Bulgaria). He promoted master and Ph. D theses works. He participated in Ph. D jury’s in over 10 different universities. Luc Hens is the author or co-author of 130 papers in international peer reviewed journal. He (co-)edited 43 books, and wrote 125 book reviews.  

Luc Hens acts as an expert in environmental health policy on several councils in Belgium. Luc Hens is a member of the Belgian Superior Health Council, of which he chairs the the working party on "Chemicals-Environmental health". He equaly chairs the Federal Belgian Committee for the Market Admission of Biocides. Previously he was a member of different environmental policy advisory boards, among which the Federal Council for Sustainable Development. In this capacity he was member of the official Belgian delegation to the UNCED conference in Rio de Janero (Brazil, 1992) and the WSSD in Johannesburg (South Africa, 2002). These activities allowed following from closely the academic and policy development and implementation of sustainable development both in Belgium and abroad. Luc Hens acted and acts as a member of the council of administrations of the Flemish Institute of Technological Research (2002-2008) and the Dirk Frimout Foundation (1998 - now). 

He is the Editor in Chief for the Springer journal “Environment, Development and Sustainability”. He acts as the book editor for the “International Journal of Environment and Pollution”. He holds “Doctor Honoris Causa” awards from the universities of Sofia (Bulgaria) and Sumy (Ukraine). 

Comité Editorial y Científico

  Ph.D. Guilherme Luiz Dotto, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil

   Ph.D.  Marcos Leandro Silva Oliveira, Facultade Meridional – IMED, Brazil

  Ph.D.  Luis Silva Oliveira, Universidad de la Costa, Colombia

  Ph.D. Ereico Marlon Moraes Flores, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil

  Ph.D. Silvia M. Baldiris Navarro, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, España.  

  Ph.D. Fernando A. Crespo Romero, Universidad Mayor, Chile.  

  Ph.D. Yezid Donoso Meisel, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. 

  Ph.D. Rafael A. Espín Andrade, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, México. 

  Ph.D. João Ferrão, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. 

  Ph.D. Antolin Hernández Battez, Universidad de Oviedo, España. 

  Ph.D. Laureano R. Hoyos, The University of Texas at Arlington, Estados Unidos. 

  Ph.D. Miguel A. Jaller Martelo, University of California (Davis), Estados Unidos. 

  Ph.D. Jairo R. Montoya Torres, Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia. 

  Ph.D. Gengyuan Liu, Beijing Normal University, China. 

 Dr. Gengyuan Liu is full professor in School of Environment, Beijing Normal University. He is the director of Urban Ecological Research Institute. He is the Center Director of Advances in Cleaner Production Network, Regional Center: Asia, Africa and Oceania, and Secretary-in-Chief for China Chapter of International Society for Advancement Emergy Research and Secretary-in-Chief for Education Committee of Chinese Society of Ecology. He is one of the founders and serves as a managing editor of Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management (ESCI journal). He also serves as the guest editor of 10 SCI-indexed journals, including Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Energy and Energy. 

Gengyuan has published over 150 in prestigious SCI-indexed journals, including 60% articles published in Q1 journals. His h index is 45 and has about 6000 times citations (google scholar). He has won the second prize for National Science & Technology Progress Award, the first prize for Science & Technology Progress Award of the Ministry of Education and the second prize for Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. 3 papers are listed as Hottest paper in SciVerse ScienceDirect (SSD); 1 paper is listed as Most downloaded paper in SciVerse ScienceDirect (SSD); and 5 paper is listed as highly cited paper in ESI (Essential Science Indicators). In 2018, Gengyuan won the Advances in Cleaner Production Network (ACPN) Medal Award: Young Researcher. 

Gengyuan specialises in ecological economics, urban metabolism, emergy analysis, input-output techniques, low-carbon economy and urban energy-water-carbon nexus. He has been leading several international consortium projects and research fellowships funded by Italy government, National Natural Foundation of China, Beijing Commission of Science and Technology, US Energy Foundation, Ministry of Science and Technology in China. 

  Ph.D Guilherme Luz Tortorella, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. 

  Ph.D Raul Queiroz Feitosa, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

  Ph.D Ricardo Vásquez Padilla, Southern Cross University, Australia.