
Gabriela-Amelia Arista Liliana-Estela Fonseca Aldo Calzolari


Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder with a prevalence of 5-17%, in all languages of the world, characterized by difficulty in precise word recognition, with an impact on fluency and reading comprehension, with emotional and social consequences. in the medium and long term, such as anxiety, depression and school failure. Objective: Design a rapid screening tool for risk of development of dyslexia for pediatric and school use. Method: An instrument composed of 7 test items or stimuli was developed. A total of 138 infants, between 5-7 years and 11 months, without neurological pathologies or visual or hearing deficits, who attended pediatric health check-ups or pre-school or primary school in Bariloche, Argentina, participated. Results: The designed tool showed very good psychometric indices and correlation with the TDR and LEE tests, which would allow a first approximation to a predictive tool for reading performance risk. Conclusions: The test in its pilot stage made it possible to compare the performance of children in phonological awareness, fluency and working memory, predictors of written language learning. The expansion of the sample and its validation will allow easy access to its use in schools or pediatric offices.


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How to Cite
Arista, G.-A., Fonseca, L.-E., & Calzolari, A. (2023). Rdislex: rapid test for the risk of dyslexia in pre-readers and beginning readers. Pilot test. Journal of Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, 4(1), e00354813. https://doi.org/10.17981/JACN.4.1.2023.4
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